Source code for deepblink.inference

"""Model prediction / inference functions."""

from typing import Union
import math

import numpy as np
import skimage.morphology
import tensorflow as tf

from .data import get_coordinate_list
from .data import next_power
from .data import normalize_image

[docs]def predict( image: np.ndarray, model: tf.keras.models.Model, probability: Union[None, float] = None, ) -> np.ndarray: """Returns a binary or categorical model based prediction of an image. Args: image: Image to be predicted. model: Model used to predict the image. probability: Cutoff value to round model prediction probability. Returns: List of coordinates [r, c]. """ # Normalisation and padding image = normalize_image(image) pad_bottom = next_power(image.shape[0], 2) - image.shape[0] pad_right = next_power(image.shape[1], 2) - image.shape[1] image_pad = np.pad(image, ((0, pad_bottom), (0, pad_right)), "reflect") # Predict on image pred = model.predict(image_pad[None, ..., None]).squeeze() prob = 0.5 if probability is None else probability coords = get_coordinate_list( pred, image_size=max(image_pad.shape), probability=prob ) # Remove spots in padded part of image coords = np.array([coords[..., 0], coords[..., 1]]) coords = np.delete( coords, np.where((coords[0] > image.shape[0]) | (coords[1] > image.shape[1])), axis=1, ) coords = coords.T # Transposition to save as rows # Add third, probability containing column if probability is not None: probs = get_probabilities(pred, coords, image_size=max(image_pad.shape)) probs = np.expand_dims(probs, axis=-1) coords = np.append(coords, probs, axis=-1) return coords
[docs]def get_probabilities( matrix: np.ndarray, coordinates: np.ndarray, image_size: int = 512 ) -> np.ndarray: """Find prediction probability given the matrix and coordinates. Args: matrix: Matrix representation of spot coordinates. coordinates: Coordinates at which the probability should be determined. image_size: Default image size the grid was layed on. Returns: Array with all probabilities matching the coordinates. """ matrix_size = max(matrix.shape) cell_size = image_size // matrix_size nrow = ncol = math.ceil(image_size / cell_size) probabilities = [] for r, c in coordinates: # Position of cell coordinate in prediction matrix cell_r = min(nrow - 1, int(np.floor(r)) // cell_size) cell_c = min(ncol - 1, int(np.floor(c)) // cell_size) probabilities.append(matrix[cell_r, cell_c, 0]) return np.array(probabilities)
[docs]def get_intensities( image: np.ndarray, coordinate_list: np.ndarray, radius: int, method: str = "sum", ) -> np.ndarray: """Finds integrated intensities in a radius around each coordinate. Args: image: Input image with pixel values. coordinate_list: List of r, c coordinates in shape (n, 2). radius: Radius of kernel to determine intensities. method: How the integrated intensity should be calculated [options: sum, mean, std]. Returns: Array with all integrated intensities. """ kernel = skimage.morphology.disk(radius) for r, c in coordinate_list: if not all([isinstance(i, float) for i in [r, c]]): print(r, c) intensities = np.zeros((len(coordinate_list), 1)) for idx, (r, c) in enumerate(np.round(coordinate_list).astype(int)): # Selection with indexes will be truncated to the max index possible automatically area = ( image[ max(r - radius, 0) : r + radius + 1, max(c - radius, 0) : c + radius + 1, ] * kernel[ max(radius - r, 0) : radius + image.shape[0] - r, max(radius - c, 0) : radius + image.shape[1] - c, ] ) if method == "sum": intensities[idx] = np.sum(area) elif method == "mean": intensities[idx] = np.mean(area) elif method == "std": intensities[idx] = np.std(area) else: options = ["sum", "mean", "std"] raise ValueError(f'Method must be one of "{options}". {method} is not.') return intensities